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Yes, this term is most associated with the song.....some AMAZING covers done of this song BTW. There is a line in the song that just resonates with me....."For said I, you do not know. Silence like a cancer grows." Keeping stuff bottled up inside only eats away at us from the inside, and makes things worse as time goes on. Get that shit out!!! SPEAK YOUR TRUTH.....LIVE YOUR TRUTH.....SPEAK OUT, AND SPEAK UP!!! You can't serve yourself, or anyone else by keeping that toxic mess to yourself. Someone needs to hear you.....and you need to relieve all that weight and pressure inside you!!! Is the thought of showing your scars scary? YEP....but I can tell you that it will be worth it. I don't know that anybody ever says they are sorry they shared their story.....but so many say they are so glad they did, and wish they did it sooner. Besides.....the way you have been holding onto your pain has not been working.....why not take a different approach?????

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